PhD: Hydrogen storage

Basin analysis and geostorage of hydrogen

PhD in basin analysis and geostorage of hydrogen, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

University of Canterbury

Level: funded PhD opportunity


The University of Canterbury has an opening for a motivated PhD student to investigate the control of sedimentary facies on hydrogen-reactive coaly organic material and diagenetic pyrite in the Kapuni Group, Taranaki Basin. The study will use outcrop analogues, boreholes and seismic reflection lines to investigate facies variations and reduce the risk of chemical reactions for hydrogen geostorage.

This 3-year position is based at the University of Canterbury (UC) in a large team funded by the New Zealand Government. The candidate will be supervised by Kari Bassett (UC), Karen Higgs (Geological Consultant), Dominic Strogen (GNS Science) and Catherine Reid (UC).

The position includes a PhD stipend of NZ$35,000/yr, full cover of tuition fees and student Services Levy for three years.

Contact : Kari Bassett, University of Canterbury

Closing date: 1 July 2024.

More information and how to apply here.