MSc submarine mega landslide

How did Taranaki’s deep water sedimentary systems respond to Aotearoa’s largest ever submarine mega landslide?

Based primarily at the University of Auckland, with the opportunity to also spend time at GNS Science and NIWA in Wellington

Level: MSc


As part of a new project funded by the New Zealand MBIE Endeavour Fund focusing on the tsunamigenic potential of giant underwater landslides in northwest New Zealand, we are looking to recruit an MSc student (fully funded for 12 months at the University of Auckland) to analyse the Pleistocene‐Holocene sedimentary succession, deposited and burying Aotearoa’s largest ever recorded submarine mega‐landslide.

The project is available to start as early as March 2022 or as late as March 2023.

To apply or for further questions, please send a cover letter and CV to Suzanne Bull and Lorna Strachan.

More details and how to apply here.

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