150 Years of Geology Teaching and Research at the University of Canterbury (1872-2022)
Now available as a free PDF (scroll down to view download link). Soon to be available for purchase in paperback (limited run). This book recognises a major milestone in the history of teaching and research in Geology at the University of Canterbury by describing major developments between 1872 and 2022.Please sign in or register to purchase this product.
This book recognises a major milestone in the history of teaching and research in Geology at the University of Canterbury. Geology was first taught in Christchurch in 1872, shortly before Canterbury College was established within the University of New Zealand. Between 1872 and 2022 many changes have occurred, as the Department of Geology grew from a small group teaching situation to a large Department of Geological Sciences within the College of Science, before becoming part of the School of Earth and Environment in 2019. This paper initially describes developments in terms of three periods.
Free PDF downloads:
Full e-book, including Appendices 1-6
Appendices 1-6 only (mainly for purchasers of paperback)
Appendix 1 only - Numbers of Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc.(Hons) projects completed in Geology from 1933-2022
Appendix 2 only - Geology staff major awards and honours
Appendix 3 only - Staff Photos: 1966, 1975-76, 1978-79, 1982-83, 1985 and 2016
Appendix 4 only - List of Visiting Erskine Fellows to the Department of Geological Sciences 1992-2021
Appendix 5 only - List of equipment held in the Department of Geology/Geological Sciences
Appendix 6 only - Department of Geology/Geological Sciences thesis list
Authors: Jim W. Cole and jarg R. Pettinga
Date of Publication (PDF): 4/3/2025
Series: GSNZ Miscellaneous Publication
Series volume: 169
ISSN (paperback): 2230-4487
ISBN (paperback): 978-1-0670512-4-2
ISSN (PDF): 2230-4495
ISBN (PDF): 978-1-0670512-3-5