A bibliography of New Zealand Earth science theses


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A bibliography of New Zealand Earth science (in the broadest sense) theses, current up to 2008. Compiled by Elva Leaming, Simon Nathan, Bruce Thompson, and Bruce Hayward.

Free download in Excel 97-2003 format (.xls) here.

Please cite as: Leaming E 2009. The Bibliography of New Zealand Earth Science Theses. 3rd ed. Geological Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 127. ISBN 978-1-877480-06-5.

This resource is intended for anyone who has an interest in or is involved with the Earth sciences of New Zealand.

University theses contribute greatly to the information resources for New Zealand geology. As unpublished works they offer intense study of a geological area and are often the only source of reference.

The aim has been to collate, and make freely available a list of theses covering the New Zealand earth sciences and to provide full text where the author has granted permission.

Online version of the database archived here: https://web.archive.org/web/20230606063528/http://nzest.auckland.ac.nz/