The GSNZ Geobake returns for Hector Day 2021!
All are welcome to take part
Design and bake something edible and tasty (e.g. cake, slice) with a geoscience theme, then eat it either at a workplace/community/Branch event (morning or afternoon tea) or at home.
To enter the national competition, email a photograph of your creation to by 11pm, Tuesday 16 March with Geobake 2021 in the subject line. Remember to include:
- baker’s name (individual or team)
- 50-word geoscientific explanation of the baked item, and
- the baker’s contact details (email address and phone number).
National judging will take place in the week after Hector’s Day and will be announced in a Society Newsflash. Prize pack includes a free one-year subscription to GSNZ for 2021-22.
About Hector Day
Hector Day is New Zealand’s annual national geosciences day held close to the birthday of pioneering New Zealand geoscientist, James Hector. The day aims to encourage social interaction between people involved in Earth sciences through informal gatherings at Branch level.
The Geo-Bake has been initiated by your National Committee and is a national event now firmly fixed in the GSNZ calendar. Branches or other community groupings are encouraged to meet informally to celebrate Hector Day and consume the baking.

Geobake 2020 winner: James Hector baked by Michelle Fitzgerald, University of Otago