Eight branches nationwide
The Society has a network of branches throughout New Zealand. On joining you'll be able to select your home branch, and our members are welcome to attend any branch meeting if, for example, you are travelling.
All our branches are lead by experienced and knowledgeable geologists and provide opportunities for learning and networking with like-minded individuals.
Branch activities vary from region to region but generally include illustrated lectures, discussion meetings, field trips and social events. Activities are normally organised between February and December each year.
Our members are strongly encouraged to get involved with their local branch. Talks on new research are always welcome and our younger members find branch meetings are a great way to hone their presentation skills in a friendly and supportive environment.
Members will be contacted about their home branch meetings by the relevant branch convenor in advance of meetings (usually by email). Details of all branch meetings, and other Society activities, can be found on our Events calendar.
In Auckland and Taranaki branch meetings are held in conjunction with a local geology club.
Branch contact details
Auckland, Bruce Hayward
Waikato, Oliver McLeod
Bay of Plenty, Ben Simons
Taranaki, Donald McFarlan
Manawatu, Kat Holt
Wellington, Scott Nodder and Cliff Atkins
Canterbury, Alex Nichols
Otago, Nick Mortimer