GSNZ Auckland branch meeting

7:30 PM

Epsom Community Centre, 200 Gillies Avenue, Epsom

GSNZ Branch event

Ewan Fordyce’s other discoveries: A brief tour of the fossil biota described by a great naturalist
presented by Daniel Thomas

The late Professor Ewan Fordyce is perhaps best known for his work on fossil whales and penguins. But Ewan’s interests and expertise were far broader than just these groups, and his contributions to natural history provided far ranging insights across the ancient biota of Zealandia and beyond. In this talk we will explore some of the fossils that Ewan worked on across his amazing career. Including a giant marine reptile from coastal Otago, a fossil from Southland that provides the earliest evidence of four-legged animals in the New Zealand fossil record, a fossil fish discovered underneath two other incredible sea creatures, discoveries made during a search for the lost mammals of Gondwana, and clues about how long Zealandia has been a biodiversity hotspot for seabirds.