GSNZ Otago branch @ NanoFest
10:00 AM
12:00 PM
NanoFest 2024, TÅ«hura Otago Museum, Skinner Annex (opposite the University Bookshop)
Partner organisation event
Come a try your hand as Dr Rock
Dr Rock is booked in for Scifest/Nanofest in Dunedin during the winter school holidays.
GSNZ or Otago Students Geology Society members are invited to crew the table in pairs from 10am-12 noon each day from Wednesday 10 July through until Sunday 14 July.
Students, this type of outreach activity looks great on your CV.
A PhD is not required and full training will be provided. We have a few 'show and tell' set pieces of local rocks, magnetic rocks, rocks of different densities, limestones to fizz and trays of colourful minerals and rocks. We chat about these to people and also about any rocks, minerals and fossils they bring along.
If you're halfway confident about telling a granite from a basalt, you're ready to go.
Interested? Please contact