GSNZ Auckland branch fieldtrip

10:00 AM
2:30 PM

Boat cruise to Riverhead

GSNZ Branch event

Boat cruise to Riverhead
There will be commentary on historical features we pass and a little on any geology we see.

Depart at 10am on a Red Boat from Westhaven Pier Z; return ~2.30pm with a 30 minute stopover at old Riverhead Hotel.

Cost: $30 per person.

Bring: own lunch and drink, cuppa available on board and a few drinks to purchase.

A minimum of 30 people are required. All are welcome - family and friends.

If you would like to come please contact Maureen at to book your place. You will then be required to transfer your $30/person into the Geoclub Account.

Last date for bookings: Friday, 19 March.